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Springfield Crossings Earns U.S. News Best Senior Living Recognition

Springfield Crossings Enhanced Senior Living in Springfield Twp., Pa., has been named a 2024 Best Senior Living community by U.S. News & World Report. This recognition is based on reviews from residents and their families, highlighting the exceptional care and services provided by the community. Springfield Crossings offers personal care, memory care, and respite care, […]

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Springfield Crossings Honors Resident Veterans

Springfield Crossings Veterans Day

Springfield Crossings Enhanced Senior Living in Springfield Twp. celebrated Veterans Day by honoring nine military veteran residents with a luncheon and recognition ceremony. The personal care community expressed gratitude for the courage and commitment of veterans, emphasizing that the holiday provided an opportunity for the community to come together and appreciate their residents’ service. The […]

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Springfield Crossings Celebrates National Centenarian’s Day, Sept. 22 

Senior Resident Eula Lindsey

In celebration of National Centenarian’s Day on September 22, 2023, Springfield Crossings Enhanced Senior Living is honoring their centenarian resident, Eula Lindsey, who is 100 years old. The senior living community recognizes the valuable life experiences she embodies, having lived through significant historical events from the Great Depression to the digital revolution. Lindsey’s advice to […]

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Springfield Crossings Celebrates the Swinging ‘60s During National Assisted Living Week  

​PHOTO ​​​CAPTION: Springfield Crossings residents and staff enjoying a ‘60s Groovy Game Night during their Assisted Living Week celebration. Pictured (L-R) are Hazel Robertson, Rita Pandoli, Mary Mitchell and Isabella Dieno.

To celebrate National Assisted Living Week, Springfield Crossings Enhanced Senior Living took its personal care residents on a nostalgic journey back to the Swinging ’60s. This week-long event featured activities highlighting memorable moments from that era, reflecting the theme of ‘Season of Reflection.’ Established by the National Center for Assisted Living, this initiative aimed to […]

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Downsize with Ease: Tips for Transitioning to Senior Living 

moving truck on highway

Are you ready to embark on a new chapter in your life surrounded by luxurious amenities, engaging activities, and compassionate care? Transitioning to a senior living community is an exciting time filled with new opportunities and a chance to focus on the things that truly matter. Before you can begin your journey, you will need […]

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